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Welcome to DIGGS

DIGGS banner image for version 2.6 release
Now that you have the sample how do you share the generated data?


Welcome to the Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (DIGGS) website.  We are looking for your involvement in the DIGGS community as we refine and implement DIGGS. 

The DIGGS project involves development of a GML (XML-based) geospatial standard schema for the transfer of geotechnical and geoenvironmental data within an organization or between multiple organizations.  DIGGS can work with existing software, hardware, databases and data storage facilities to easily transfer and share your data. 

DiGGS allows the transfer of geotechnical data

Once implemented by your organization, the DIGGS data transfer standard will help meet your needs for information and data asset management.  It is anticipated that DIGGS will save state and federal agencies, and other public and private organizations millions of dollars.  Savings will be realized through a combination of avoided drilling and laboratory testing costs, and efficiencies afforded by the availability of geotechnical data for multiple projects in a standard format.